SKU: СОВ-533
Poster: Mayonnaise Sauce
SKU: СОВ-534
Poster: Canned crab. Delicious soft starter.
SKU: СОВ-535
Poster: Canned natural
SKU: СОВ-536
Poster: A great snack nutritious and tasty
SKU: СОВ-537
Poster: This brand tartlets love adult and kids!
SKU: СОВ-538
Poster: Marmalade
SKU: СОВ-539
Poster: Ice cream demand everywhere
SKU: СОВ-540
Poster: The highest quality ice cream demand everywhere
SKU: СОВ-541
Poster: Fresh and tasty, as in the summer fruits and berries...
SKU: СОВ-542
Poster: The farm ice needs
SKU: СОВ-543
Poster: Pasteurized milk in bottles top quality product...
SKU: СОВ-544
Poster: Winter and summer tasty and healthy ice cream
SKU: СОВ-545
Poster: Iris
SKU: СОВ-546
Poster: Fragrant and tasty liqueurs
SKU: СОВ-547
Poster: Moscow theatre of the Blue blouse
SKU: СОВ-548
Poster: Blue blouse
SKU: СОВ-549
Poster: Municipal theatre of musical drama
SKU: СОВ-550
(Russian) Плакат: Укрепляй оборону страны советов
SKU: СОВ-551
Poster: Learn communism, build communism!
SKU: СОВ-552
Poster: General Secretary of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich
SKU: СОВ-553
Poster: Of all the arts, the most important for Russia - cinema
SKU: СОВ-554
Poster: 400 million
SKU: СОВ-555
Poster: Proletarian youth youth! Get ready to defend the series of Ukraine
SKU: СОВ-556
Poster: Excursions in Moscow
SKU: СОВ-557
Poster: Vinnitsa
SKU: СОВ-558
Poster: We promise to the workers and peasants...
SKU: СОВ-559
Poster: Clamping criticism!
SKU: СОВ-561
Poster: Who does not work shall not eat!
SKU: СОВ-562
Poster: Ernesto Che Guevara
SKU: СОВ-563
Poster: The day of international solidarity of workers