SKU: СОВ-991
Poster: Long live the Komsomol. To the seventh anniversary of the October revolution.
SKU: СОВ-992
Poster: Glory to the Soviet teacher!
SKU: СОВ-993
Poster: Work in a Communist way!
SKU: СОВ-994
Poster: Be vigilant!
SKU: СОВ-995
Poster: Comrade Moskvich, be always on guard...
SKU: СОВ-996
Poster: Comrade, and keep your weapons! To it stretches a hand of the enemy.
SKU: СОВ-997
Poster: Above the earth rings majestically Stalin guard proud glory!
SKU: СОВ-998
Poster: Honor and glory to the best students of combat and political training!
SKU: СОВ-999
Poster: Stalin brought us up - allegiance to the people!
SKU: Сов1000
Poster: Marriage - enemy down with marriage!
SKU: СОВ1001
Poster: Inventions, rationalization of the national economy
SKU: СОВ1002
Poster: Electricity the country needs: burglar energy waster doubly!
SKU: Сов1003
Poster: Save water!
SKU: Сов1004
Poster: Gas export will come in time!
SKU: Сов1005
Poster: Save gas!
SKU: Сов1006
Poster: Fascism is the worst enemy of women. All in the struggle with fascism!
SKU: Сов1007
Poster: Will smash the fascist raiders!
SKU: Сов1008
Poster: Our cause is right. Victory will be ours!
SKU: Сов1009
Poster: Forward to the final victory!
SKU: Сов1010
Poster: Death to fascism
SKU: Сов1011
Poster: "Not to give the enemy a single inch of our land". I. Stalin.
SKU: Сов1012
Poster: To protect the Fatherland!
SKU: Сов1013
Poster: In the name of Motherland forward warriors!
SKU: Сов1015
(Russian) Плакат: Свято выполняй правила технической эксплуатации - нарушение ПТЭ на руку врагу
SKU: Сов1016
Poster: Forward, to the west, red horsemen!
SKU: Сов1017
Poster: The Crimea will be Soviet
SKU: Сов1018
Poster: For the Motherland
SKU: Сов1019
Poster: I swear to defeat the enemy!
SKU: Сов1020
Poster: New victories to glorify our banners!
SKU: Сов1021
Poster: Will not be black wings above the Homeland to fly