Print on canvas

Print on canvas, pictures, reproductions, posters with low prices. Catalog of the finished prints and posters You can choose what you like. Please! we will help you to print your images, or other material on the canvas. Delivery within Moscow and by mail throughout Russia. Printing on canvas is a new, but already had time to win popularity special kind of art. It is a combination of photography and painting, which allows to make an old painting of modern pictures.

Printed for You on the canvas, the landscape may become the «highlight» style, from which you can build an entire interior, a portrait is a piece of art, the center of attention of your guests and friends!

Print on canvas consists of several stages: directly print (use water-based ink), and tension of the canvas on a stretcher. Then, to ensure protection from burnout or moisture is covering the image, with a special varnish. In the end, a matter of taste, appearance in the framing - will make a real gift for colleague on work or other. We know our business, and our price is justified!!! Our specialists are masters of photoshop, and our equipment meets all modern requirements of interior printing, thanks to which our company can turn an image of a dear person, a favorite place, pet or unique moment of our lives into a true work of art. Print reproductions gives the opportunity to have copies of your favorite works of famous artists on the wall; at home, in the office or office. Also you can order the print of his own paintings, photographs, prints and drawings. For the artwork has a wide selection of picture frames.

Print on canvas, pictures, reproductions, posters with low prices. Catalog of the finished prints and posters You can choose what you like. Please! we will help you to print your images, or other material on the canvas.
Molostovyh str 10-1
Phone: +7 (495) 971-25-62