072. Советский плакат: Любой крестьянин, колхозник ... имеет теперь возможность жить по-человечески...

Poster: Any farmer, farmer or individualist has now the opportunity to live like a human...

SKU: СОВ-072

Product Description

"Any farmer, farmer or individualist has now the opportunity to live like a human, if he only wants to work honestly, and not lazy, not to wander and not misappropriate the collective good." (I. Stalin). Soviet poster about the new opportunities for increased welfare in rural areas. Print a poster produced water-based ink on the matte photo paper 180 g/m² or canvas. Bilateral lamination - glossy film 75 micron.

Additional Information


30х45 см, 40х60 см


on paper, with lamination, on canvas