Список товаров
SKU: Сов-294
(Russian) Плакат: Лобастый и плечистый от съезда к съезду шел дорогой коммунистов рабочий комсомол
SKU: СОВ-295
Poster: The Internationale
SKU: СОВ-296
SKU: СОВ-297
Poster: The last hour!
SKU: СОВ-298
Poster: Diploma - the road to communism
SKU: СОВ-299
Poster: Denikin's gang: Bay of workers and peasants
SKU: СОВ-300
(Russian) Плакат: Пустых обещаний не давай!
SKU: СОВ-301
Poster: Plow snow. 'll harvest
SKU: СОВ-302
(Russian) Плакат: Летайте самолетами! Аэрофлот.
SKU: СОВ-303
SKU: СОВ-304
Poster: Communists always ahead!
SKU: СОВ-305
Poster: Citizens! Make yourself anticholera's vaccinations
SKU: СОВ-306
Poster: Comrade Lenin clean the earth from evil spirits
SKU: СОВ-307
Poster: Lenin is Marxism in action
SKU: СОВ-308
Poster: Down with the capital, long live the dictatorship of the proletariat!
SKU: СОВ-309
Poster: 'll master!
SKU: СОВ-310
Poster: Revolutionary lightning
SKU: СОВ-311
Poster: Remember who you are!!!
SKU: СОВ-312
Poster: Being a donor is a great honour for patriot!
SKU: СОВ-313
Poster: We young Lenin followers
SKU: СОВ-314
SKU: СОВ-316
Poster: The workers and peasants! Go in the cooperation...
SKU: СОВ-317
Poster: Chemistry is your friend
SKU: СОВ-318
SKU: СОВ-319
Poster: My hands after handling and before eating
SKU: СОВ-320
Poster: Why you're not in the farm?
SKU: СОВ-321
Poster: Who wins? Catch up and overtake.
SKU: СОВ-322
Poster: Book and rifle finish global capital!
SKU: СОВ-323
Poster: Crush the enemy transport!
SKU: СОВ-324
Poster: Citizen!...