Плакаты про шпионов
Покупайте советские плакаты о борьбе против шпионов, диверсантов, разведчиков и прочей иностранной нечисти и их приспешников.-
SKU: СОВ-017
(Russian) Плакат: Не болтай!
SKU: СОВ-019
Poster: Vigilance is our weapon!
SKU: СОВ-021
Poster: Be keen on the checkpoint!
SKU: СОВ-022
Poster: Beware!
SKU: СОВ-023
Poster: The employee of militia! Be vigilant!
SKU: СОВ-024
Poster: Chatterer - a godsend for the enemy!
SKU: СОВ-026
Poster: Do not talk on the phone...
SKU: СОВ-027
Poster: Strictly keep state and military secrets!
SKU: СОВ-057
Poster: Not miss!
SKU: СОВ-062
Poster: USSR - the country of the largest in the world socialist agriculture...
SKU: СОВ-192
Poster: Eradicate the spies and saboteurs...
SKU: СОВ-318
SKU: СОВ-576
Poster: The enemy is cunning - be on our guard!
SKU: СОВ-707
Poster: Chat - the enemy can help!
SKU: СОВ-755
Poster: Do not talk! Strictly keep the military and state secret!
SKU: СОВ-851
Poster: Be just and careful!
SKU: СОВ-994
Poster: Be vigilant!
SKU: СОВ-996
Poster: Comrade, and keep your weapons! To it stretches a hand of the enemy.
SKU: Сов1015
(Russian) Плакат: Свято выполняй правила технической эксплуатации - нарушение ПТЭ на руку врагу
SKU: сов1723
Poster: As not throw - plainly finish!
SKU: Сов1887
Poster: Kolhoznik, protect their fields...
SKU: СОВ1922
Poster: Be vigilant!
SKU: Сов2016
Poster: Beware!
SKU: Сов2020
Poster: Chatter, gossip - on the hand of the enemy
SKU: Сов2057
Poster: Sleeping on the job at hand enemies of the working class