Советские политические плакаты
SKU: СОВ-285
Poster: Hello, Motherland!
SKU: СОВ-287
(Russian) Плакат: Да здравствует борьба трудового крестьянства и рабочих... да здравствует социализм
SKU: СОВ-292
SKU: СОВ-295
Poster: The Internationale
SKU: СОВ-296
SKU: СОВ-297
Poster: The last hour!
SKU: СОВ-298
Poster: Diploma - the road to communism
SKU: СОВ-299
Poster: Denikin's gang: Bay of workers and peasants
SKU: СОВ-304
Poster: Communists always ahead!
SKU: СОВ-306
Poster: Comrade Lenin clean the earth from evil spirits
SKU: СОВ-307
Poster: Lenin is Marxism in action
SKU: СОВ-308
Poster: Down with the capital, long live the dictatorship of the proletariat!
SKU: СОВ-310
Poster: Revolutionary lightning
SKU: СОВ-313
Poster: We young Lenin followers
SKU: СОВ-322
Poster: Book and rifle finish global capital!
SKU: СОВ-323
Poster: Crush the enemy transport!
SKU: СОВ-325
Poster: Kazak! You are pushed to a terrible...
SKU: СОВ-327
Poster: Leninism
SKU: СОВ-329
SKU: СОВ-331
Poster: The king, priest and dispossessioner
SKU: СОВ-335
Poster: Voglers
SKU: СОВ-336
Poster: A peasant! Be ready to get away from the old life to the new.
SKU: СОВ-338
Poster: Long live the first of may
SKU: СОВ-340
Poster: The last hour
SKU: СОВ-341
Poster: In a trash pit
SKU: СОВ-342
Poster: Working correspondent's pen and the light of science unmask the sectarian thing
SKU: СОВ-343
(Russian) Плакат: Под красный стяг, в ряды с мужчиной!
SKU: СОВ-345
Poster: Proletarians of all countries unite!
SKU: СОВ-346
Poster: Help
SKU: СОВ-347
Poster: Proletarians of all countries unite!