Советские политические плакаты
SKU: Сов1040
Poster: World of pure heaven!
SKU: Сов1042
(Russian) Плакат: Остановить преступников!
SKU: Сов1044
(Russian) Плакат: Наша дружба нерушима!
SKU: СОВ1637
Poster: We stand for peace and we assert the cause of peace
SKU: сов1719
Poster: Long live the communist international!
SKU: сов1723
Poster: As not throw - plainly finish!
SKU: сов1737
SKU: сов1741
Poster: Everybody to the elections!
SKU: сов1744
Poster: Fasten friendship in the name of peace and happiness!
SKU: Сов1748
Poster: The emblem of the USSR
SKU: сов1800
Poster: By the end of the five-year plan...
SKU: Сов1802
Poster: Long live an equal woman of the USSR...
SKU: Сов1803
Poster: I vote for the candidates of the bloc of communists and non-party people!
SKU: Сов1804
Poster: These women never happened and could not be in the old time
SKU: Сов2005
Poster: Long live an ever-victorious banner of Leninism!
SKU: Сов2016
Poster: Beware!
SKU: Сов2020
Poster: Chatter, gossip - on the hand of the enemy
SKU: Сов2021
Poster: Glory to the brave sons of the Motherland!
SKU: Сов2057
Poster: Sleeping on the job at hand enemies of the working class