Советские политические плакаты
SKU: СОВ-348
Poster: A common revolutionary front for the workers
SKU: СОВ-349
Poster: Workers and Lenin joined in his gunpowder smoke of the revolution of 1905
SKU: СОВ-350
Poster: For that killed 10 000 000?
SKU: СОВ-351
Poster: Rather sell!
SKU: СОВ-352
Poster: The red army protection of the proletarian revolution
SKU: СОВ-355
Poster: Laws of young pioneers
SKU: СОВ-356
Poster: Workwoman of East. Get in the ranks of the builders of socialism
SKU: СОВ-358
Poster: Cooperation of the USSR
SKU: СОВ-359
Poster: Saviors of the world
SKU: СОВ-362
Poster: The enemy wants to capture Moscow...
SKU: СОВ-363
Poster: Comrades! Be careful not to get in such a fall...
SKU: СОВ-364
Poster: USSR
SKU: СОВ-365
Poster: V. P. Nogin
SKU: СОВ-366
Poster: The chairman of the Supreme Council of national economy Dzerzhinsky
SKU: СОВ-367
Poster: Carpenters - terrorist Stepan Khalturin
SKU: СОВ-369
Poster: Lenin...
SKU: Сов-376
(Russian) Плакат: Всегда готовы!
SKU: СОВ-379
Poster: 12. IV. 61. - Day of Astronautics
SKU: СОВ-380
Poster: Kosmos will serve people
SKU: СОВ-397
Poster: Radio. Of the will of millions create a single will.
SKU: СОВ-442
Poster: Lenin
SKU: СОВ-512
SKU: СОВ-552
Poster: General Secretary of the CPSU, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich
SKU: СОВ-553
Poster: Of all the arts, the most important for Russia - cinema
SKU: СОВ-554
Poster: 400 million
SKU: СОВ-557
Poster: Vinnitsa
SKU: СОВ-558
Poster: We promise to the workers and peasants...
SKU: СОВ-562
Poster: Ernesto Che Guevara
SKU: СОВ-563
Poster: The day of international solidarity of workers
SKU: СОВ-566
Poster: To ensure a future free from anxiety